It’s time to awaken your soul

What makes you feel alive?

Not what gives you the greatest thrill. Or even what makes you the happiest.

What awakens you in the very depth of your soul that no matter how difficult you just have to do it?

We are so inundated with information overload, I find it a challenge just to quiet myself enough to even think about this question, let alone find its answer. Cell phones, while convenient, have taken over conversation and normal human interactions. Computers have taken the place of quiet libraries brimming with knowledge and possibility in each beautifully musty book you take of the shelf. Televisions light up our living rooms each evening in the place of laughter and games and genuine conversation.

But removing those distraction and allowing God to speak quietly to you– to the very core of who you are– may allow for an opportunity for Him to stir something inside of you that you never knew existed, or at least had long forgotten.

What makes me feel alive is encouraging others to discover their true identities in Jesus. I love to speak to others and share my heart to engage them in new ways, awakening them to the possibility that they are royalty as sons and daughters of the King of the universe. I love to draw upon the insurmountable potential that lies inside each and every one of us, just waiting for a reason to light up and take off. To encourage people to escape from lives of apathy and mediocrity because we are created for so much more.

How about you? What makes you feel alive?

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awake, dreamers, dreams, encouragement, Getting Past the Start, information overload, soul revival Leave a comment

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