Winner announced! (and a slight spider diversion)

Congrats to Stephanie R.! You have won a copy of Interrupted by Jen Hatmaker. I’ll be contacting you for a shipping address :-)

For those of you who didn’t win, thanks for entering and checking out my blog!  If you would still like to get your hands on the book, you can order туры в Армению it at and if you do so through Sunday, August 10, you will receive a 20% discount. No code necessary. (I’d say you’re welcome, but honestly I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Go to Jen Hatmaker’s blog and thank her. It is her book afterall.)

I’m currently recovering still suffering from slight panic as a spider crawled out from under the dresser in my youngest daughter’s room. Yes, I have extreme arachnophobia. Yes, I realize that I am 50 bajillion times bigger than the half-dollar sized arachnid that I’m freaking out about. Yes, I will continue to sit here and freak out until my husband comes home tonight, finds it, and kills it. (It’s okay, I handle the roaches when necessary.)

So once that ordeal is handled, my brain will once again process information in a non-erratic manner, and a new post will be up with great and exciting thoughts (most likely linked back to the amazing-ness of Interrupted. Hope to create some good conversations.) If you want to start a good and amusing conversation before then, let me know what phobias you face? (and other spider haters out there?) Until then, I’m going to sit here and freak out about my spider issue.

Congrats again to Stephanie and hope the rest of you take advantage of the 20% off through NavPress!

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giveaway, Interrupted, Jen Hatmaker, phobias, spiders, winner Leave a comment

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