Interrupted (review and GIVEAWAY!!!)

interrupted_banner_160x600I’m super excited because this blog includes the first giveaway I’ve ever done! (Are you excited to potentially win? You should be!) I’m also excited because my head is reeling with possible discussion points. You see, last week I finished reading Interrupted: When Jesus wrecks your comfortable Christianity by the incredible Jen Hatmaker. In case you missed it, I mentioned the lead up to this giveaway here.

So I began writing my review as I read through the book. It is separated into 5 phases so I read Калининград красивые места in that same format. I began by giving detail to each section and then realized that in doing so I was taking away the impact the book will make on the individual. What I mean is that while you read Jen’s journey through this part of her life, you will have the great possibility that God will begin to shift your own heart and focus. If I were to share each perspective of my own journey through the book, I would risk robbing you of your own amazing transformation. So I deleted the entire post and started over.

The amount of amazing quotes that I highlighted throughout the book are massive. Jen has an incredible way of making the reader feel as if you are a friend listening to her tell her story over a cup of coffee. Of course this particular friendship will force you to reckon with your approach to this thing we call Christianity, not in your beliefs as much as how you exercise those beliefs.

We as believers have allowed ourselves to be conformed to all that is easy, convenient, and comfortable. Interrupted creates opportunity to have conversations that we so often life to avoid. It deals with the reality that the church (as it was originally created) was not about production and getting people in the door. It was about us (as believers) going out and sharing the love that Jesus has shown us.

“He is so utterly identified with the afflicted that there is nothing more obedient, more pleasing, more central than serving Him in the marginalized.” (page 109)

Are we as a church sitting comfortably in our pews, never wanting to get our hands dirty? Or are we out in the world that Jesus loves so much He was willing to die for it, serving everyone not just those we can “identify with?”

Even if you don’t win, I hope you will pick up this book and take the time to read it and stew on it a bit. Allow God to work in your heart to give you the inspiration to do the work that He has planned for you. Trust Him to lead you to places you may have never ventured on your own, but know that in doing so, you are serving Jesus himself.

Ok, so now on to the best part: GIVEAWAY!!! All you have to do is complete the entry form (select the link, it will take you to the form) and there will be a random drawing to select the winner of the book! I’m running this from now until 11:59 pm (CST…because I’m in Texas) on Wednesday. You can enter once each day. Tell your friends, neighbors, even enemies (maybe they can benefit from winning this book), but GET ENTERED AND GOOD LUCK!interrupted_page-28

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book review, giveaway, Interrupted, Jen Hatmaker 2 Comments

2 thoughts on “Interrupted (review and GIVEAWAY!!!)

  1. I don’t know if I did the entry form correctly, but I’ll tell you that I like Jen Hatmaker’s writing and I’m all for finding a different way to do what I’m doing, since most of the time, what I’m doing doesn’t make a lot of sense!

    • I feel ya. I know that for me, more often than not, I just over-complicate everything! Love God, love people. It should be that easy!


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