Monday Morning Revelations

10540378_10105431998832611_7075674792250370158_nI’m not a morning person. I honestly believe that God intentionally gave me children that sleep until a decent hour in the morning (7-8) because He knew that I would be an awful parent had I ended up with children who wake up before the sun does.  However, on the occasions that I have to be up bright and early, I always find such refreshing revelation.  It makes me want to be a morning person, though that has yet to come to pass.

This morning I was awake at 330 AM (seriously people, no one should have to be up that early.  For those of you who do that on интересные экскурсии на теплоходе по Москве-реке a regular basis, bless your heart.). I had the dubious responsibility of taking some family to the airport for a 7:00 AM flight.  I thankfully had a bit of time before they were ready to go, so I sat in my driveway and quieted my soul.

This is one of the first times I have been up before dawn since moving to Texas. We have finally reached those dreaded triple-digit days which causes even the night time temperatures to be plenty warm.  But despite that, there was a tinge of coolness on the edge of the breeze that was blowing ever so softly. It rustled through the large tree in my front lawn, creating a melodic, natural wind chime through the leaves as they rustled together. Just beyond our quiet street, you could hear the world around me come awake a little at a time. Cars passing on their way to work.  Birds chirping as they began their day. The random dog barks as the car passes just a little too close to their home.

In this moment, in this day, I am His and that is enough.

The quietness that I felt in the moment equated to that same quiet your feel in the face of a storm.  The slight juxtaposition didn’t create tension, rather an astounding peace that lay over me in the face of a new day. It was in those moments that God revealed to me this truth: I am not who I was yesterday and I don’t yet know who I will be tomorrow. In this moment, in this day, I am His and that is enough. There is no need to concern myself with the struggles of yesterday, nor the worries of tomorrow. Just today. Just this moment, right now, one at a time.  And it is in this moment that I am enough.  Hear me my friend, it is in this moment that you are enough.

You see, God isn’t looking down on us for who we were.  He isn’t condemning us already for what we might be. He is loving us for who we are and encouraging us for who we can be.

So my prayer this Monday morning is that this peace that I have grasped in the predawn hours before even the sun arose linger in my heart. I pray that I will submit to God those things that try to rob my peace.  I pray that this day starts a new chapter of greater faith, of greater hope, and of greater love.  And I pray that I will continue to seek out His peace each and every day.

My prayer for you is the same.  I pray that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will come over you and comfort you. (Phil 4:7)  I pray that you will set aside time to quiet your soul and allow God to renew you. That you will trust that He is enough to meet all of your needs each and every day.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion;
    therefore I will wait for him.”

The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
    to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait quietly
    for the salvation of the Lord. (Lamentations 3:22-26, NIV)

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2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Revelations

  1. Reblogged this on Integrity Dad and commented:
    This post really speaks volumes! Let it refresh your soul this day.


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